Saturday, June 4, 2011

How to wall jump

Walljumping is done by exploiting a glitch that gives mice their ability to jump back when they fall into a frictional wall. Mice use the jump immediately and make repeated half circles along the wall.
  1. Fall down and towards the wall. Your mouse should extend his forelegs as if about to run. Holding the arrow key while near the top of a longer wall will show the running animation. It's extremely important that your mouse be falling when coming into contact with the wall. Otherwise, the mouse will slide down and not receive her jump back.
  2. Tap away from the wall. It's important not to jump too far away from the wall.
  3. Jump.
  4. Repeat.
The most important thing to walljumping is to be falling when you make contact with the wall. A failed jump will cause you to slide down, from where it may be difficult to recover. Accurate pacing is vital; slow and steady wins the race.

for more information on this topic please email me at

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